- In the winter, Dead Horse Valley is the best place on the island to sled. In the summer, it’s the best place to kill horses.
- According to Census 2000, 4.1% of Nantucket residents speak Spanish (98% of whom clean homes for a living).
- Betsy Anderson’s Bearded Collie “Rooter” was commonly known as the mascot of the Nantucket Antheneum (until he had to be put down in 2006 after biting a Japanese tourist).
- Juice guys Tom and Tom both lost their virginity near Hummock Pond on the same night... to each other.
- Sankaty Head Lighthouse was the site of a gruesome triple murder in 2004. Neither a motive nor a suspect was ever found.
- The Nantucket Historical Association Whaling Museum is one of the most boring museums in the country.
- During the 2007 filming of The Nanny Diaries, two local teenagers totally saw Scarlett Johansson outside of the Nantucket Bake Shop.
- Legend has it Nantucket’s municipal cemetery is haunted. It’s also where local legend-fabricators gather to drop acid.
- “Nantucket” means “The Grey Lady” in Algonquian. Shortly after learning this, European settlers finished up eradicating the island of all natives.
- Emily Cisneros grew up on Brant Point. She’s a huge bitch.
Hinckley house
3 months ago
1 comment:
Tom & Tom, it makes so much sense, did you get this list from them?
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